

Peter Sposito bases his brand philosophy on understanding fashion as a unique piece, enclosed by an artistic concept based on historicist references.

The mixture of styles, fabrics and deconstruction of garments are the main pillar that supports the work of the young designer. This creates an idyllic image and nothing real, placing a great emphasis on individuality and independence.

All this theatrical, dramatic and historicist base merges with the energy generated by street fashion. A reinterpretation of silhouettes to generate a parallel world thanks to the mixture of these eccentric references. All a provocation and declaration of intent.

The brand does not focus on mainstream marketing, but the creation of a form of artistic expression. Therefore, many of the pieces are worked from the craftsmanship of the moulage, understanding the fabric, the silhouette and the proportion.

Fashion as a discipline, as a means, not as a premise.